Sunday, September 20, 2015

Dot Day 2015 Was Dotilicious!

On September 15, Lafayette joined millions of teachers and students around the world to celebrate creativity, collaboration, and the courage to "Make Your Mark!" A delightful, sunshiny day just made our outdoor campus feel more like a delicious celebration! 
Here are a few moments from our special day:
Sidewalk Chalk During Recess... a Great Way to Express How We Were Feeling!

No Walls in Our New Trailer Campus? No Problem!

Have Dots? Think Cookies:)

Negative Space Hand Dots

Dotty Cuna Indian Molas- Thank you Grade 2!

Our Spanish Teachers Show Their Dot Day Spirit!

Sharing Our Dot Day Attitude!

Celebrate Creativity You Say? How About a Custom Designed Shirt?

We Even Dotified the Fence!

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Feeling Grateful As We Transform

Feeling grateful for Mr. Young preserving and rehanging our sweet LAFAYETTE panels, a labor of love by Lafayette's class of 2011.
Feeling grateful for a light-filled, functional, air conditioned art room and engaged, curious, thoughtful, creative students:)
Fifth graders classifying art by style and justifying their choice!
Feeling grateful for enthusiastic, warm supportive parents. And feeling grateful for our "tree-house" campus, where we will find new ways to make and hang art in our outdoor hallways and on many yards of fence which beckon like a blank canvas.

And finally, feeling grateful for the opportunity to watch Lafayette reborn... beginning with giant earth moving machines carving huge holes where our 1970s addition used to be and the promise of a crane next week, all right outside our art room windows... so much excitement!!!